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MDX-based sidebar navigation component

npm i @theme-ui/sidenav

Given an MDX document like this:

- [Home](/)
- [About](/about)
- [Guides](/guides)
- [Getting Started](/guides/getting-started)
- [Gatsby](/guides/gatsby)

The MDX document can be styled as a sidebar navigation component.

/** @jsx jsx */
import { jsx } from 'theme-ui'
import { Sidenav } from '@theme-ui/sidenav'
import Links from './links.mdx'
export default (props) => (
<Sidenav {...props}>
<Links />

Alternatively, an accordion style sidenav can be rendered using the AccordionNav component.

/** @jsx jsx */
import { jsx } from 'theme-ui'
import { AccordionNav } from '@theme-ui/sidenav'
import Links from './links.mdx'
export default (props) => (
wrapper: AccordionNav,

The same MDX document can be used to create pagination links. Pass in the current pathname to allow the Pagination component to determine the previous and next links.

/** @jsx jsx */
import { jsx } from 'theme-ui'
import { Pagination } from '@theme-ui/sidenav'
import { Location } from '@reach/router'
import Links from './links.mdx'
export default (props) => (
children={({ location }) => (
wrapper: Pagination,
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